RRI Lv1 HDF File
An RRI level 1 HDF file is generated for each RRI turn-on session.
The RRI level 1 HDF files contains 3 objects: A CASSIOPE ephemeris object, an RRI Data object and an RRI Settings object. The attributes of each object are specified below.
“CASSIOPE Ephemeris” Object Attribute | Description |
Altitude (km) | WGS-84 altitude (km) |
Attitude Accuracy (0=Dropout, 1=Rough, 2=Coarse, 3=Moderate, 4=Fine, 9=No data) | Spacecraft attitude quality flag. See the definition of ‘Fine’, ‘Moderate’, ‘Course’, and ‘Rough’ here. |
Ephemeris MET (seconds since May 24, 1968) | Time of ephemeris data in Mission Elapsed Time (seconds since May 24, 1968 00:00:00 UTC). First time is the anchor for the radio data times. |
GEI Position (km) | J2000 GEI position (km) |
GEI Velocity (km per s) | J2000 GEI velocity (km/s) |
GEO Position (km) | Position in ITRF geographic Cartesian coordinates (km) |
GEO Velocity (km per s) | Velocity in ITRF geographic coordinates (km/s) |
GSM Position (km) | Position in Geocentric Solar Magnetospheric coordinates (km) |
Geographic Latitude (deg) | WGS-84 latitude |
Geographic Longitude (deg) | WGS-84 longitude |
MLT (hr) | IGRF MLT (hours) |
Magnetic Latitude (deg) | IGRF latitude (degrees) |
Magnetic Longitude (deg) | IGRF longitude (degrees) |
Pitch (deg) | Spacecraft attitude pitch angle (degrees) |
Roll (deg) | Spacecraft attitude roll angle (degrees) |
Yaw (deg) | Spacecraft attitude yaw angle (degrees) |
“RRI Data” Object Attribute | Description |
Channel A frequencies (Hz) | Frequency of the RRI numerically-controlled oscillator on Channel A, corresponding to Data Stream 1 and Data Stream 2 |
Channel B frequencies (Hz) | Frequency of the RRI numerically-controlled oscillator on Channel B, corresponding to Data Stream 3 and Data Stream 4 |
RRI Packet Numbers | ID of each time-tagged 4×29-sample packet sent out from RRI |
Radio Data Monopole 1 (mV) | Radio data stream 1. Multiple options exist for what this data represents, see the “Data Format” attribute below for the definition of the available data streams. |
Radio Data Monopole 2 (mV) | Radio data stream 2. Multiple options exist for what this data represents, see the “Data Format” attribute below for the definition of the available data streams. |
Radio Data Monopole 3 (mV) | Radio data stream 3. Multiple options exist for what this data represents, see the “Data Format” attribute below for the definition of the available data streams. |
Radio Data Monopole 4 (mV) | Radio data stream 4. Multiple options exist for what this data represents, see the “Data Format” attribute below for the definition of the available data streams. |
“RRI Settings” Object Attribute | Description |
Antenna 1 Gain | Monopole 1 gain setting (Low, Medium, or High) |
Antenna 2 Gain | Monopole 2 gain setting (Low, Medium, or High) |
Antenna 3 Gain | Monopole 3 gain setting (Low, Medium, or High) |
Antenna 4 Gain | Monopole 4 gain setting (Low, Medium, or High) |
Antenna Configuration | Antenna configuration, Monopole or Dipole. Dipole 1 is Monopole 1 and 2. Dipole 2 is Monopole 3 and 4. |
Bandwidth A (kHz) | Bandwidth for Channel A, 5 kHz or 30 kHz. (Monopole 1 and 2) |
Bandwidth B (kHz) | Bandwidth for Channel B, 5 kHz or 30 kHz (Monopole 3 and 4) |
Data Format | Lists the four data streams that are output by RRI. Possibilities are I1, Q1, I2, Q2, I3, Q3, I4, and Q4, where I represents the in-phase signal from a monopole, and Q represents the quadrature output from a monopole. For example, a Data Format of I1Q1I3Q3 in Monopole mode means in-phase and quadrature data are output from monopoles 1 and 3. In Dipole mode this represents I and Q from each dipole. |
Delta Frequency A (Hz) | For a linear sweep this is the step size in Hz of each frequency step. For a logarithmic sweep this is the starting step size, with each step size being twice the one before it. This has no meaning for fixed frequency. Applies to Channel A (Monopole 1 and 2). |
Delta Frequency B (Hz) | For a linear sweep this is the step size in Hz of each frequency step. For a logarithmic sweep this is the starting step size, with each step size being twice the one before it. This has no meaning for fixed frequency. Applies to Channel B (Monopole 3 and 4). |
Dwell Time A (s) | Number of seconds to dwell on each frequency of a sweep, Channel A (Monopole 1 and 2) |
Dwell Time B (s) | Number of seconds to dwell on each frequency of a sweep, Channel B (Monopole 3 and 4) |
End Frequency A (Hz) | End frequency of a sweep, Channel A. Note that the sweep extends one step past the end of the range, i.e. the sweep returns to the start frequency when f > f_end. (Monopole 1 and 2) |
End Frequency B (Hz) | End frequency of a sweep, Channel B. Note that the sweep extends one step past the end of the range, i.e. the sweep returns to the start frequency when f > f_end. (Monopole 3 and 4) |
Start Frequency A (Hz) | Start Frequency for Channel A (Monopole 1 and 2) |
Start Frequency B (Hz) | Start Frequency for Channel B (Monopole 3 and 4) |
Sweep Mode A | Sweep mode of Channel A (Monopole 1 and 2). (Fixed Frequency, Linear Sweep, or Logarithmic Sweep) |
Sweep Mode B | Sweep mode of Channel B (Monopole 3 and 4). (Fixed Frequency, Linear Sweep, or Logarithmic Sweep) |
RRI has a sampling frequency of 62500.33933 Hz.
Details of the bandwidth response, calibration, and instrument components can be found in James et al., The e-POP Radio Receiver Instrument on CASSIOPE, Space Science Reviews, 2015, Vol 189 (1), p 155-160.