GAP Topside Vertical TEC (VTEC) NetCDF File
GAP Vertical TEC (VTEC) files are 24 hour daily files at 1 Hz resolution. Each daily file contains 86400 VTEC values, each of which is derived from measurements from all GAP receivers and all available GPS satellites, with a 10 degree elevation mask applied. VTEC has a value of NaN when no GAP data is available.
The file names are GAP_YYYYMMDD_hhmmss_HHMMSS_VTEC_V.v.r.nc.zip where:
YYYY | year |
MM | month |
DD | day |
hh | start hour |
mm | start minute |
ss | start second |
HH | end hour |
MM | end minute |
SS | end second |
V | Major code version |
v | Minor code version |
r | reprocessing count |
Global Attributes:
Month (integer) | Month of file |
Day (integer) | Day of file |
Year (integer) | Year of file |
RES (double) | Data time resolution (seconds) |
UT (double) | 1D array of time tags for each Line-of-Sight (LOS) TEC value (hours of UT) |
VTEC (double) | 1D array of VTEC calculated from combined GAP-A and GAP-O observations (TEC units) |
VTEC_RMS (double) | 1D array of root-mean-square deviations for each VTEC value (TEC units) |
NVALUES (integer) | 1D array of number of individual LOSTEC values used to compute each corresponding VTEC value |
value (#) | Each LOSTEC value is from a particular GAP receiver and GPS satellite. |
XEPOP(double) | 1D array of ECEF x-component location of CASSIOPE satellite (km) |
YEPOP(double) | 1D array of ECEF y-component location of CASSIOPE satellite (km) |
ZEPOP(double) | 1D array of ECEF z-component location of CASSIOPE satellite (km) |