MGF lv1b HR CDF Product
The MGF lv1b HR CDF Product is a daily product, providing MGF magnetic field data at 160 Hz, along with associated parameters.
Reference documents:
Swarm-Echo MGF lv1b Data Product Description
Swarm-Echo MGF lv1b Data Calibration Validation Report
Swarm-Echo MGF lv1b Release Notes
“CRF” in the table below refers to the “Common Reference Frame” of the spacecraft. See the coordinate systems page for more detail.
The Common Data Format (CDF) file is written to the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) standard. This CDF file contains the following fields:
Attribute | Definition |
CalInboard | Inboard sensor 3×4 calibration matrix |
CalOutboard | Outboard sensor 3×4 calibration matrix |
Timestamp | Time of observation (UTC, represented as CDF epoch in milliseconds since year zero) |
SyncStatus | Time synchronization status, source and quality |
Latitude | CASSIOPE position in ITRF – Geocentric latitude (deg) |
Longitude | CASSIOPE position in ITRF – Geocentric longitude (deg) |
Radius | CASSIOPE position in ITRF – Geocentric Radius (m) |
B_inboard_CRF | Inboard sensor magnetic field vector, CRF (spacecraft) frame (nT) |
label_B_inbrd | Component label inboard CRF |
B_outboard_CRF | Outboard sensor magnetic field vector, CRF (spacecraft) frame (nT) |
label_B_outbrd | Component label outboard CRF |
B_CRF | Magnetic field vector, CRF (spacecraft) frame (nT) , ignore if q_Flags >= 128 |
label_B_CRF | Component label NEC |
B_NEC_Out | Magnetic field vector, NEC frame (nT) , NaN if Flags_B >= 128 |
label_B_NEC | Component label CRF |
B_model_NEC | CHAOS Model magnetic field vector, NEC frame (nT) |
label_model | Component label NEC |
dB_other | Magnetic stray field correction vector of all sources, CRF (spacecraft) frame (nT) |
B_error_In | B component error estimates for Inboard sensor, CRF frame (nT) |
label_B_err_In | Component label CRF |
B_error_Out | B component error estimates for outboard sensor, CRF frame (nT) |
label_B_err_Out | Component label CRF |
q_NEC_CRF | Quaternion transformation: NEC <– CRF, scalar last |
Att_error | Error estimates on attitude information (mdeg) |
Flags_B | Bit flags for measurement issues: 0 = no flagged issues 4 = clipped measurement replaced with interpolated value 64 = padding around active magnetotorquer times 128 = padding around active magnetotorquer times |
Flags_q | Bit flags for attitude information: 0 = no flagged issues 1 = padding around rotations above 0.030 deg/sec 2 = spacecraft rotating more than 0.030 deg/sec 16 = padding for missing definitive attitude 32 = missing definitive attitude solution |
Flags_Platform | Error flags for Spacecraft platform 0 = no issues |