GAP Line of Sight (LOS) TEC Quicklook Plot
An interactive GAP Line of Sight (LOS) TEC Quicklook Plot is generated for each day gap has a turn on session.
A GPS PRN number slider is available in the center of the plot to select and view CASSIOPE data for that specific PRN number. In the top 3D plot the location and the TECU (Total Electron Content Units) at that location for the respective PRN number is displayed. In the bottom 2D plot the TECU are plotted with respect to Universal Time and CASSIOPE ephemeris, which includes geographic latitude (degrees), geographic longitude (degrees), altitude (km), magnetic latitude (degrees), and magnetic local time (hours)).
In the top right of this page there is also a drop down menu to select which receiver’s data is to be displayed.
Click and drag the 3D map for a better view, hover over the orbit paths on the 3D map for additional information on specific data points, or hover over the 2D map data for additional information on specific data points.
(non-interactive image example)