March 30, 2021

CAS Ephemeris Text Files


CAS Ephemeris Text Files

The CAS_ephemeris file is a daily product that contains spacecraft position and attitude information. It is derived from the CAS_Orbit and CAS_AttQuat files, and contains the information below. Attitude data (yaw-pitch-roll angles) are relative to the +Z-to-nadir attitude (see Coordinate Systems.)


  • Year Month Day (UTC)
  • Hour Minute Second (UTC)
  • J2000 XGEI (km)
  • J2000 YGEI (km)
  • J2000 ZGEI (km)
  • J2000 VXGEI (km/s)
  • J2000 VYGEI (km/s)
  • J2000 VZGEI (km/s)
  • XGSM (km)
  • YGSM (km)
  • ZGSM (km)
  • Geographic latitude (deg)
  • Geographic longitude (deg)
  • Altitude (km)
  • Magnetic latitude (deg)
  • Magnetic longitude (deg)
  • Magnetic local time (h)
  • Spacecraft attitude yaw angle (degrees)
  • Spacecraft attitude pitch angle (degrees)
  • Spacecraft attitude roll angle (degrees)
  • Attitude Accuracy (0 = Dropout, 1 = Rough, 2 = Coarse, 3 = Moderate,  4 = Fine)
  • Eclipse status

The attitude accuracy is derived from the CAS_AttQuat CDF file using each second’s ‘Time-To-Previous’ ‘Time-To-Next’, ‘Data-Source-Previous’ and ‘Data-Source-Next’.

0: ‘Dropout’ is a period lacking solutions of greater than ten minutes, which is overridden with NaN.
1: ‘Rough’ is when the interpolation is between two Star-Sensor Solutions, with a total Time-between-solutions greater than 120 seconds, or that splines into or out of a solution derived from the Coarse Sun Sensors (i.e. where no star tracker solution is available)
2: ‘Coarse’ is when the interpolation is between two Star-Sensor Solutions, with a total Time-between-solutions of between 30 and 120 seconds.
3: ‘Moderate’ is when the interpolation is between two Star-Sensor Solutions, with a total Time-between-solutions of between 10 and 30 seconds.
4: ‘Fine’ is when the interpolation is between two Star-Sensor Solutions, with a total Time-between-solutions of less than 10 seconds.

* The ‘Time-Between-Solutions’ is simply the sum of the Time-To-Prior and Time-To-Next values

* The ‘Star-Sensor Solutions’ is any solution with a Data-Source greater than 2.

Data Sources:

0:Dropout (Added to indicate the start/end of a ‘NaN’ filled period)
1:Uncalibrated coarse sun sensor and magnetometer solution
2:Coarse Sun Sensors and Magnetometers
3:Onboard-fused star sensor
4:Star sensor A solution (SSA)
5:Star sensor B solution (SSB)
6:Star sensor A+B (locally fused solution)