e-POP to Participate in 2017 ARRL Field Day

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day is an event where more than 40,000 ham radio operators throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places. During the 2015 event, e-POP listened in for just a couple of minutes to see what it could hear. Unsurprisingly, it recorded some very interesting data capturing the call signs of 23 participants in North America. Not only that, the data also showed promise in helping scientists elucidate the density and structure of the ionosphere in the region.

This year e-POP is taking it to another level, planning to operate during six, 10-minute passes over Western, Central, and Eastern North America on June 24th and 25th, 2017, with all available instruments operating. So ham radio operators, get ready, e-POP will be listening at 3.525 and 7.525 MHz on Field Day!