March 27, 2024

e-POP Data Tutorials

Below are Python tutorials in Jupyter Notebook format to aid with reading and basic plotting of the various e-POP data sets. You can either run the .ipynb files in your Python Jupyter Notebook installation, or you can follow along using the PDF version.

TutorialJupyter Notebook FilePDF File
Bus TelemetryCASSIOPE bus tlm tutorial v1.0.ipynbCASSIOPE bus tlm tutorial v1.0.pdf
Ephemeris DataCASSIOPE ephemeris data tutorial v1.0.ipynbCASSIOPE ephemeris data tutorial v1.0.pdf
FAICASSIOPE FAI tutorial v1.0.ipynbCASSIOPE FAI tutorial v1.0.pdf
GAPCASSIOPE GAP tutorial v1.0.ipynbCASSIOPE GAP tutorial v1.0.pdf
IRMCASSIOPE IRM tutorial v1.1.ipynbCASSIOPE IRM tutorial v1.1.pdf
MGFCASSIOPE MGF tutorial v1.0.ipynbCASSIOPE MGF tutorial v1.0.pdf