The e-POP payload consists of eight scientific instruments. Together, they are enabling scientists to explore near-Earth space in greater detail.
Instrument | Description | PI | Scientific Output |
CER | Coherent EM Radio Tomography | Bernhardt | Electron content |
FAI | Fast Auroral Imager | Howarth | Infrared and visible images |
GAP | GPS Attitude and Profiling Experiment | Langley | Spacecraft position and attitude |
IRM | Imaging and Rapid-Scanning Ion Mass Spectrometer | Yau | Low energy ion detection |
MGF | Fluxgate Magnetometer | Miles | 3-D magnetic field and currents |
NMS | Neutral Mass Spectrometer | Hayakawa | 0.1-2km/s neutral particles |
RRI | Radio Receiver Instrument | James | Radio wave propagation |
SEI | Suprathermal Electron Imager | Knudsen | Low energy electron detection |

The e-POP instruments on CASSIOPE/Swarm-Echo